Since concluding that our next step conceptually is to see the world from a cosmocentric, rather than anthropocentric perspective, I have become increasingly convinced that this is the key to everything else. If we, as a species, do not adopt a cosmocentric perspective, we will be missing out on the essence of our own reality.
The reality is that our species is part of a universe. While I realize that we are facing a great challenge in getting humans to think of themselves as part of a planet, I do not think we should hold off on looking to the even greater challenge of considering ourselves as part of the universe. Truth is truth, after all.
If we take a cosmocentric perspective, we will be looking beyond our individual lives to something larger than ourselves and it will inevitably change how we view our individual existences.
More on this later. But just keep in mind the simple fact that the cosmocentric perspective changes everything.
Copyright, Frank White, 2017, All Rights Reserved
The Overview Effect: Space Exploration and Human Evolution is available at and
The New Camelot: the Quest for the Overview Effect is available at Apogee Prime